Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

Most fudge recipes would not be suitable for a healthy eating website. However, this  fudge recipe is made with wholesome ingredients and provides complementary proteins for a complete protein source, as well as other nutrients for your good health.

While fudge is generally made with chocolate and is loaded with sugar and saturated fat, this fudge is actually quite nutritious. It still has sugar in the form of molasses and honey, but it is less sweet and low in saturated fat. In addition, both honey and molasses have other nutrients that are not found in the highly processed cane or beet sugar that is used to make most kinds of fudge.

Be sure to use “old-fashioned” peanut butter, to avoid the unhealthy trans-fats found in the hydrogenated versions.

Keep in mind that this is still a dessert, so enjoy it without eating too much. 

Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

Click here for a printable copy.

2 cups powdered milk (vegetarians and vegans can use powdered soy milk)

3/4 cup honey

1/4 cup molasses

1 cup old-fashioned peanut butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup sesame seeds


(1) Combine honey, molasses, peanut butter and vanilla and beat until well blended.

(2) Stir in milk powder until a stiff batter forms.

(3) Add sesame seeds.

(4) Press into greased 8 x 8 inch pan.

(5) Allow the fudge to stand for a half hour and cut into squares.

(6) Store in a tightly covered container to keep fudge from drying out.


-For a milder flavor, you can also substitute sorghum for the molasses by changing the recipe to half a cup of sorghum syrup and half a cup of honey.

-You can double the recipe to get thicker pieces. 

-This fudge freezes very well, so you can use half and freeze half.

-You may also use powdered goats milk instead of cow's milk, since it is easier to digest.  It is also more expensive, but just in case you are sensitive to cow's milk, you may tolerate this recipe made with goat's milk.

Interesting Fact: This peanut butter fudge recipe has several combinations of complementary proteins. These include, milk and peanut butter, sesame seeds and milk, and sesame seeds and peanut butter. If you use powdered soy milk (legume), it will be complementary with the sesame seeds to form a complete protein.

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