Magnesium Foods

Magnesium Foods

Magnesium Foods

Magnesium is important in so many ways and consequently, if you don’t get enough of this mineral in your diet, you will not feel well.

In addition to helping to maintain bone and teeth health, magnesium is a catalyst in building protein and producing energy. When your magnesium levels are low, you will feel weak and dizzy. Magnesium is also involved with muscle contraction, and the transmission of nerve impulses. It is necessary for healthy heart function and normal blood pressure. It also helps you to stay healthy by supporting your immune system.

Magnesium is found in a wide variety of foods, but here is a list of foods that are a significant source of magnesium.

Click here for a printable copy of this list.

Magnesium Foods

Amaranth, Artichokes

Bananas, Brazil Nuts, Buckwheat Flour

Cashews, Coconut

Flaxseed, Fortified cereals (Check nutrition label for magnesium content)


Lima Beans

Peanut Butter, Pinto Beans, Pumpkin Seeds


Tomato Juice

Spinach, Soybeans, Sunflower Seeds

Wheat Germ

Note: If you have diabetes, overuse alcohol, or take diuretics, you may be prone to magnesium deficiency. This is most likely because the magnesium is being excreted due to the excessive urination associated with these issues.

You need minerals to be healthy and to feel good. Together with the other nutrients, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins and Water, they help keep your body working properly. Each nutrient has a significant role to play in your good health.

How do I use flax seed?

-The best way to use flax is to buy it in bulk and grind it yourself, as needed, using a small electric coffee grinder. Since flax starts to deteriorate as soon as it is ground, it will have the maximum benefit if you grind it yourself. If you eat the seeds whole, they will mostly just go right through you, providing a laxative effect, but not much nutrition.

-Grind flax and add to baked goods in place of a small portion of the flour. I use about ½ cup in pancakes and muffins and ¾ cup in a two-loaf bread recipe. You can experiment and see what works best for you.

-Sprinkle ground flax seeds on cooked vegetables for extra flavor and nutrition.

-Sprinkle freshly ground flax seeds on cereal, yogurt, in juice or in smoothies.

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