Healthy Weight Loss Tips

diet definition

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Most people have been on a weight loss regimen at some time in his or her life, and many people have experienced the full gamut of weight reduction methods, from starvation to pills to cabbage soup!

If there is one sure-fire way to lose weight that would work for everyone, I don’t think we have found it yet. We are all individuals with our own physiology, personality and lifestyle, and maintaining a healthy weight seems to be a unique endeavor for each of us.

Take care of your mind, body and spirit

Having said that, we do know that weight loss, and health in general, is a matter of taking care of your whole self--body, mind and spirit. With that in mind, and without recommending any specific weight loss plan, here are some tips that may help.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Click here for a printable copy of this weight loss tips list.

-Get a physical check-up to make sure there are no underlying health problems, and discuss with your doctor your plans to lose weight.

-Don’t “go on a diet”; instead, make a lifestyle change.

-Educate yourself about food.

-Set a realistic goal for yourself.  

-Avoid single food plans and plans that eliminate certain food groups.

-Become aware of portions and serving sizes.

-Read food labels and become label savvy.

-Be wary of “low-fat” foods.  

-Don’t obsess about the number on the scale.  

-Include fiber-rich foods in your diet.

-Drink water.

-Eat foods that you like, and try to change your thinking to like foods that are healthy for you.  

-Get enough sleep.

-Be flexible within limits.  

-If you goof, don’t use it as an excuse to give up.

-If you are an emotional eater, that is if you eat when you are sad, bored, happy, or in the throes of any strong emotion, try to come up with alternative pleasures that you can substitute for eating at those times. 

-Find ways to handle stress.  

-Smile, laugh and think positively.  

-Cultivate your spiritual health.

-Spend time thinking about and helping others.

-Try some behavior modification techniques such as:

1. Eating slowly and deliberately, putting your fork down between bites,

2  Using a smaller plate,

3.  Focusing on eating by not doing anything else at the same time,

4.  Planning what and how much you will eat ahead of time,

5.  Writing down what you eat in a food diary,

6.  Changing habits that contribute to poor food choices--such as:  taking the route that goes past the fast-food place, or keeping a bag of candy in your car.

7.  Rewarding yourself with other pleasures besides food,

8.  Canceling your membership in the “Clean Plate Club”.

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