Eating Healthy Guide

Eating Healthy Guide

It's not easy to change your habits.

There are probably reasons why old, unhealthy eating habits seem to have so much power over you. Changing long-established eating behaviors is one of the hardest things you will ever do. If this is the case, you may need to get professional guidance to help deal with those issues.

Nevertheless, the unparalleled benefits of eating healthy make the effort to change worthwhile. If you take the time to learn some eating healthy guidelines, and then commit to making positive changes, you will reap the rewards of feeling well and living longer.

After reviewing the following healthy eating guide and other information on this site, take some time to write down a plan for yourself.  You can start with small changes, since each small step you take will have an effect on how you feel and on your general wellness.

To help you with your goal to improve your eating habits, here is a basic guide.

Click here for a printable copy of this healthy eating guide.

Eating Healthy Guide

1. Eat a balanced diet with a ratio of 40-30-30 of good carbs, low-fat protein and good quality fats respectively.

2. Eat a variety of fresh, whole foods, including selections from all five food groups—Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Meat and Legumes and Milk.

3. Include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, with an emphasis on vegetables.

4. Include a serving of a low-fat version of good quality protein with each meal and snack.

5. Eat good carbohydrates, such as whole grains most, if not all of the time.

6. Limit prepackaged meals and fast foods, which are generally over-processed, full of chemical additives and high in sodium.

7. Choose unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.

8. Include fiber foods with each meal so that you get a total of 25-30 grams of fiber each day.

9. Eat colorful foods for their protective phytonutrients.

10. Choose low-fat versions of dairy products and leaner meats.

11. Stay away from empty calorie foods that provide calories but little other nutritive value.

12. Limit your intake of foods with a lot of added salt and sugar.

13. Drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water each day, while at the same time avoiding soft drinks and limiting fruit juice.

Educate yourself about the food supply.

My husband and I enjoy watching a show called "How It's Made." I particularly enjoyed the programs about how food is processed. It helps us to know where our food comes from, and what happens to it before we eat it that can affect its nutritional value.

Take time to learn about the foods you eat by reading labels and looking into the sources of the foods you eat.

Click here to go from Eating Healthy Guide to Nutrition Facts page.