Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No, it's Super Foods!

Super Foods

Foods for the "Man of Steel?"

There are “foods;” then, there are “healthy foods;” and now we have “superfoods.”

In case you're wondering what makes a food qualify for the “super” category, let me answer this question by making a simple analogy. Remember that man in blue tights with a big red and yellow “S” on his chest? Superman had extraordinary powers, such as superior strength and x-ray vision—oh, and he could fly—powers that the average man could only dream of. In the same way, superfoods seem to have qualities above and beyond the nutritional benefits of ordinary foods. The super powers of superfoods seem to provide your body with extraordinary help in preventing sickness and disease.

Not everyone agrees

Not all health experts agree that superfoods exist or, if they do, which foods would fit into this category. Some argue that eating a healthy diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables is the key, and you certainly can’t argue with that! A colorful and varied diet of fresh, whole foods will go a long way towards your goal of eating healthy.

However, there do seem to be some foods that might just be eligible for the cape and tights. Since they are actual foods, it certainly can’t hurt to regularly include some of them in your diet. 

Be aware that just because these foods may have super qualities, do not overdo. You can get too much of anything, even a good thing, so eat them in moderation.

Super foods can be divided into two categories.

The first category is made up of those foods that are generally available in the grocery store and that most people will recognize. Some examples of foods that would fit in this category are the following:

Avocados, Blueberries, Broccoli, Beets, Cayenne pepper, Cinnamon, Chia Seed, Coconut and Coconut Oil, Dark Chocolate, Flax Seed, Garlic, Ginger, Green tea, Kale, Pomegranates, Turmeric, Walnuts and Wild Salmon.

Then there are the more exotic super foods that are less easy to obtain, such as the following:

Acai, Goji berries, Mangosteen and Noni juice.

Superfoods may not give you extraordinary strength, x-ray vision—and I don’t recommend that you try flying without an airplane, but anything you can do to help your body stay well is probably worth a second look.

Eat and be healthy with my warmest regards,


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